Saturday, November 8, 2008

McCain Camp's Attacks on Palin

Friends, Republicans, Conservatives, lend me your ears: There is a travesty going on in the Republican Party. Oh yes...a travesty. Some of you may know, and some of you may not, but what's going on with the McCain camp and Palin right now is utterly ridiculous.

There are staffers from the McCain camp that are trying to destroy Sarah Palin with smear tactics and phony allegations from every angle. Basically what has happened is that a lot of these guys were on the campaigns of other candidates during the Republican Primary election, and after their guy lost, they started working for McCain.

As many of you are aware, Sarah Palin is the best thing that has happened to the Republican Party in quite some time. She excited the base, the solid core of conservatives. With her overwhealming popularity, these staffers got scared. They know that she will likely be the front runner (if she decides to run) in 2012. Since they each have different candidates that they would like to back during 2012, they are trying to destroy her reputation and career so that their prefferred candidate will have a shot at the white house.

Basically they are a bunch of weak kneed jerks who can't take the credit for their own failure at getting McCain elected. The way these people, and the McCain camp handled Palin is all wrong. They didn't want her talking about Ayers, and she wasn't having any of it. Look, Sarah Palin is not a cronie. She is not a system person, she will not put up with crap from anyone. She will do what she thinks is right, regardless of who agrees or not. This is one of the main reasons she is so awesome.
By the way, I believe it is Nicole Wallace who is one of the main culprits here. She is the person on the McCain camp that handled Sarah Palin. She told her not to talk aobut certain things etc, and now she is out there smearing her. It is pathetic and as far as I am concerned she should never get a job with Republicans again as long as she lives. SHAME ON YOU NICOLE WALLACE!! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has also been suggested though not entirely confirmed (there is some evidence but none substantiated yet) that the manager of the McCain camp Steve Schmidt is also a part of this bitter and petty infantile behavior.

This all goes back to Republican reform. The Republican Party has morphed over the last several years to want some kind of mushy, middle of the road neo-conservative to lead the party. It is this kind of thinking that got us McCain as our candidate. If there is one thing that Obama teaches us as Republicans, I hope and pray that it is to abandon this ridiculous notion that placating the Middle is the way to win. We don't need a moderate Republican, we need a staunch CONSERVATIVE. Liberalism is beaten with CONSERVATIVISM, not moderate-conservative horse crap.
I'll tell you what. I hope Palin runs for President in 2012. I'd vote for her. In fact, she is the only reason I was comfortable voting for McCain. I've always viewed McCain as a liberal wearing a conservative suit. I know others disagree, but his stances on global warming and our borders is weak man.....weak. I know, on others he is DEFENSE and Abortion. I don't want to have to compromise again. I want a Reagan. I want a Palin.
I would be happy with Bobby Jindal also. I would love to see a Jindal/Palin, or Palin/Jindal....who long as they are both on the ticket, I'm excited.
Until Tomorrow,
May God bless you,
May God bless your family,
and may God bless America!!!!!!!!!!!
Rich <><

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