Friday, November 7, 2008


Well y'all, I guess I've done it. I gave in. So many of you have asked me to start a blog so that you can share the things we've discussed with others and among other things learn how to defeat the idiotic arguments that your liberal friends throw in your face. I must tell you the way to defeat the liberal is with facts. As Rush Limbaugh has said for years, "Liberals cannot compete in the arena of ideas." He is right. Liberals are defeated with facts, solid arguments, political education, sound logic, and rational thought. With this introduction out of the way, let me get to the first actual blog entry. So without any further adieu, on the first day of "THE COUNTDOWN TO 2012" let me begin by saying:

Friends, Republicans, CONSERVATIVES, Lend me your ears: there are only 1459 days until the next presidential election. If you are a liberal, you must be excited, because there are only 74 more days until the Lord Barack, the most merciful and mighty Obamassiah descends upon our nations capital to heal our land, solve all our problems, fix the economy, heal all the bitter ones who cling to religion and their guns, end the rule of the "white man's greed that runs a world in need," to single handedly fix social security, and to return the united states to a position of respect throughout the world.

Think I've overdone it? I don't! Have you talked to anyone who supported him yet? Have you watched the news? Have you seen how people think of him? Do they not treat him as some kind of messiah-superhero?
Well, many of you (I am sure) are upset by the recent election. Judging by the many of you whom I have talked with, many of you are deeply worried and/or concerned right now. If I may, let me encourage you NOT to be. I am not worried. Well, at least long term I’m not worried. This might sound strange to many of you, but not to the few I've talked with and had a chance already to explain this to.

I am somewhat encouraged, and if you told me on Monday or on Tuesday night that I would feel the way that I do right now, I would have probably pretty harshly disagreed with you. There is no way I could have foreseen how I would feel now. Let me begin by saying this: Please don't hear me wrong. I am not saying that if I could go back in time, back into the voting booth, that I would have voted differently. I wouldn't. But I now realize that on Tuesday when I voted, I really had a win/win situation, but I didn't see it. Though with Obama, I will have to suffer quite possibly some extreme hardships, and though some devastating things may very well come to pass in the next four years, I am still jazzed about what he will end up doing for the Republican party.

Many of you (my conservative friends) are not in situations where 99-100% of the people around you are liberals. Many of you are in situations where most of the people you interact with are conservatives. This is not the case with me. I sat in a room today with 75 other people, and I am the only one who did not vote for Obama. I work in a building with over 1,000 people, and I would bet that less than 1% here did not vote for Obama. Not only is this true, they are all elated about his election. They all view him as some kind of mythical savior of the world. Listening to the way they talked, as the day unfolded, I became aware of something that I had not considered before. Obama winning the election might actually be the best thing for us as conservatives in the long run, and definitely may have been what is best for America over the next 12 years. Let me explain:

Obama may have just kept us from something far worse...Hillary in 2012!!! As unpopular as Bush has been, if McCain had gotten elected, he would have been seen as a continuation of Bush, and would probably not had much of any chance of defeating Hillary in 2012. Factor in also that no political party has held on to the presidency for more than 12 years since the U.S. placed a two term limit on the office of president, and you realize that if McCain had won, we would probably be looking at a good 8 years of Hillary from 2012-2020.
I also came to the conclusion today that there is no conceivable way for Obama to live up to the expectations that these Americans have for him. It simply is not possible. Not with what he wants to do. These people largely elected him based on a bumper sticker slogan, not knowing what he is really all about. Sure, there are other reasons, but I'll leave them unsaid with the exception that not many voted for him for any substantive reason, because FEW have any idea what substance is there.

I have many friends who believe Obama will rule or govern from the center, or that we will have a centrist Obama. HA HA HA HA....nope....did you see who he appointed as his chief of staff???? RAHM EMMANUEL! Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most bitter partisan congressmen in Washington. Just look at his record. He has no desire to reach across the isle to anyone. He does not want to include any Republicans in anything, and is swift in his punishment of any liberal who crosses him. Rahm Emmanuel is a gigantic clue into how he wants to govern. Remember, no one in Obama’s cabinet will be able to get into see him without the chief of staff's approval. NO ONE. The fact of the matter is that even Obama himself has said that "the time for moderate democrats is over" and that he wants to "radically change the political landscape of America." I believe him. I do.

He is not going to be able to do the things he said he is going to do. He can't provide a tax cut to 95% of all Americans, because over 30% don't pay income tax now, and in addition, if you look at the financial breakdown, he will not gain enough money from those who make over 250,000 to be able to pay for his new spending. The only way to do this is to raise taxes on everyone.

Even Wall Street knows it. Look at what happened with the stock market. We have had the biggest 3 day post election sell off of stocks in the history of our country. That my friends is a pretty strong statement. If you don’t know how the markets work, they are always trying to project about 6-9 months ahead. Most all of the decisions that are made, are made with this projection in mind. But….wait….no….this isn’t about Obama…..NOOOO I am sure that somehow this is actually the fault of the evil conservatives who just want to further divide Americans.

Long story short, this is why my sane, wonderful, conservative friends, this is why we should have hope. Barack Obama is going to be the most leftist president we’ve ever had. He is not going to be able to do many of the things he promised, he will not be able to live up to the expectations of his supporters, he will have to do things that are unpopular, and he will govern from the far left.

The Republican Party needs revitalization, revolution, and reform in a major way. The base of the Republican Party is the conservative. It always has been. You don't ever go to war with liberals without your base as the first priority. This is exactaly what we did. What We needed was to have a strong conservative like Reagan, to take our base to war, then try to pick up enough moderates and independants to win. What we go to war with a candidate that for some reason we thought would bring the moderates and the independants along with him, and then tried to shore up the conservative base with Palin. What a STUPID, STUPID, STUPID strategy.
Have hope though, I am telling you now....there is nothing any of us can do to reform the Republican party, that will ever come close to what Obama is going to do simply by being the President. Obama will strengthen the resolve of the conservative base to guarantee that we don't have some wishy-washy moderate republican ever run on the OUR ticket again.

This next four years is going to be fun (in a sad kind of way). I'm telling you....Jimmy Carter 2 but worse, is going to be our President in January.

Let me give you an analogy of what is going to happen to this country. When a building has an earthquake, and the foundation of that building gets cracked or damaged, crews come in and reinforce the buildings foundation, and strengthen it, making it much stronger and safer than it was before. It is stronger and more sturdy after the earthquake than it was before. This is exactly what is going to happen with our country. Obama will crack the foundation just enough for the conservatives in this country to demand another Reagan.

Honestly, the disillusionment that people will feel, the shock that Barack is not the mythical figure he made himself out to be, the horror of what he actually is....when that sets in with his will be....well slightly, if not moderately humorous.

Well, much more tomorrow......might talk about Barney Frank tomorrow and how the economic downturn is actually a direct result of House and Congressional Liberals, I might talk about how the low-life, disgusting, vile, putrid, bottom feeders from the McCain camp are trying to destroy Palin, I might parse Obama’s acceptance speech or his press conference today, who knows. All in good time. Gotta run!

Two things you absolutely HAVE GOT TO SEE if you want to laugh your heads off….the first is the “Obama National Anthem” set to a Russian-type national anthem song reminiscent of that part in Rocky IV, You’ve got to se it……….HYSTERICAL. Go to and it is on the right, under, FEATURED VIDEOS….You’ll love it.
Also click on this link….the Onion doesn’t do things all the time that I find hysterical, but I laughed so hard I thought I was going to cry at this… You've got to check this out Here is the link

Until tomorrow,

May God bless you,
May God bless your family,
and May God Bless America!!!!!!
Rich <><

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