Monday, November 10, 2008


Friends, Republicans, Conservatives: HOLY CRAP! What a don't even know where to start. As a startling news today....Did you hear the whole deal with Gordon Brown???? WHOAH....Gordon Brown is the British Prime Minister. Apparently at the G20 summit next week in Washington, Prime Minister Brown is going to push for a new global financial system and says that "the U.S and Europe must provide the leadership for the creation for a new international order." WHAT?????? Holy Crap! Analysts say that a Breton Woods II agreement is unlikely to come out of it, but what the frig???? that we even have anyone promoting this is....well...shocking. I have included a few links at the end for review and further reading.
Watch this now - don't want to wait until the end -
then click on the first one "Obama National Anthem" it is hysterical
A new cold war with Russia????? Is there any doubt? Putin has said that he wants to change the political landscape of Russia and change the existing structure so that he could once again as President of Russia...a statement and move made only after Obama won the election. Hmmm... surprise anyone? Not fact on the very day that Obama won the election, current president, Dmitry Medvedev, announced the deployment of short-range missiles to Russian outpost, Kaliningrad, in Europe. Yevgeny Volk, head of the Moscow office of the US Heritage Foundation, said that this move was meant "to test Obama -- whether he really is a strong and efficient leader." HMMMMMM........................ No....really....OBAMA IS GREAT!!!
. comes the economy crashing down around us......Obama in his address to the nation on Saturday said "we can’t afford to wait on moving forward on the key priorities that I identified during the campaign, including clean energy, healthcare, education and tax relief for middle-class families...We also need a rescue plan for the middle class that invests in immediate efforts to create jobs and provides relief to families watching their paychecks shrink and their life savings disappear.” Is it only me....or does anyone else notice the profound idiocy of saying that a rescue plan for the middle class does anything to invest in immediate efforts to create jobs. And hey...taking over the 401-K structure.....the government taking that over.....good way to guarantee that the life savings DO DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!!
Economists have estimated the US budget deficit could more than double next year to almost $1,000,000,000,000 (that's a TRILLION DOLLARS), raising concerns about whether Obama could deliver on expensive campaign promises including $150,000,000,000 (BILLION) in investments in alternative energy over the next decade and a $60,000,000,000-$110,000,000,000 plan to provide universal health insurance for Americans." YAHOO........... We need higher minimum wage..........never mind that if you raise the minimum wage, everyone else will want more money too, because if you get a three dollar an hour increase as a minimum wage earner, why shouldn't non minimum wage earners get more money too? Oh wait....I forgot, people are basically won't want more money, they will be happy that someone not as qualified as them can make close to what they do....they won't be disgruntled at all, and those bosses...those CEO's....they'll just pay it out....they won't fire anyone, because they would rather everyone have more equality than keep the same profit. What the friggin crap is this country thinking??????????????????????
Let me set the stage........then I have to quit for today....I am so frustrated today with the idiocy of the left that I need (as Glenn Beck would say) some duct tape to wrap around my head just to keep it from exploding! Here is the stage.....You raise taxes on businesses....thinking that the increase in the money they have to pay is going to come out of profits. NO IT ISN'T. They are rich because they are good at making money. They will find a way to keep the same profit...namely by cutting back on jobs....but then to add to this, you raise minimum wage....forcing an already squeezed business to pay the workers more....thinking....they will eat it out of their profits......WRONG AGAIN.....they simply will fire more people to keep the NET income, not the Gross income the same. So they either decrease production, or the price of the products goes up...OR BOTH....either way....bad for the consumer and the have people without jobs, or find it hard to get jobs. Factor into this the fact that the Obamassiah is going to let all the tax cuts expire.....which means that many who aren't paying income tax now....will be and everyone who DOES pay income tax, will pay more, and what happens.....If I have to pay more taxes, I have to cut back on my spending just to pay my bills, which NOW COST MORE BECAUSE THE COMPANIES PROVIDING MY SERVICE HAVE BUILT THE TAX THAT THEY HAVE TO PAY INTO WHAT I PURCHASE. NOT ONLY DO I HAVE LESS NOW, I have to pay more for what I did have. The result....I cut back on everything and don't spend anything I don't have to....and the downward cycle continues until we get someone in office that has the common sense to realize that socialism doesn't work, high taxes don't work.....PERIOD.
I swear, I am about to give up on this country. Have we seriously become a nation full of idiots?
Does history not teach us anything???? RONALD REAGAN inherited a crappy economy thanks to CARTER......and what did he do.....he cut taxes drastically on not only businesses, but the upper 2% drastically, as well as significantly for everyone else, and what happened????? he DOUBLED THE REVENUE GENERATED FROM TAXES.
I may and may not post tomorrow, I am too irritated right now to know.
Below are some links for further reading.
Prime Minister to call for New World Order -,2933,449264,00.html
G20 Summit -
Bretton Woods Agreement -
Putin-Missile's to Kaliningrad -
Obama - economics -

May God bless you,
May God bless your family,
and May God bless America! (despite our leadership)

Rich <><

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