Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama "A Dream Come True"

Wow...I know I am going to catch some flack for this, but let me begin by saying....I AM NOT RACIST. I DON'T give a flying crap about race. I want more than anything on earth for race to become a dead issue. I don't see black people, I don't see white people. I see people. I want EVERYONE to see PEOPLE.... I hate racism. I hate White Racism. I hate Black Racism. I hate any kind of RACISM.

That being said, there was an interesting article on CNN's Website that I must comment on. I am interested in feedback on this. The article (linked below) claims that the election of Obama was a "Dream come true for most African Americans that they didn't think would see in their lifetime." This brings to mind my first question: Why did most African-Americans not think they would see this in their lifetime?

Shortly after I asked myself this question I read the answer. Eighty percent of African-Americans questioned said that "Obama's election was a dream come true," and 71 percent said "they never thought a black candidate for president would get elected in their lifetime."


So 71 percent of African Americans thought that this country was so racist, that we would not elect a black candidate? Do you realize what that statement says? Let's dissect it. You can't think that a black candidate for president would never get elected and not be basing your belief on the fact that the candidate is black. That is fundamental to the statement itself. So if you say that, you are by definition saying that you think that the USA would not elect a black president because it is so racist that no black man would have a chance.

Among white Americans, only 28 percent said that Obama's election was a "Dream come true." while 70 percent did not have this opinion. This suggests that by in large, African-Americans thought that white Americans who make up 76% of the population were to Racist to ever elect a Black president while only few whites felt that way.

From the Article, "A majority of blacks now believe that a solution to the country's racial problems will eventually be found. In every previous poll on this topic dating back to 1993, black respondents had always said that racial problems were a permanent part of the American landscape."

But that's changed since Obama got elected.

The article also says that "most blacks view Obama's election as the start of a new era of better race relations in the United States, while most whites appear to disagree."

That is because I believe the number of whites who are racist is FAR lower than what most of the African-Americans I know, believe is the case. I say that because...I KNOW A LOT OF WHITE PEOPLE. I don't personally know one who is racist. Well....I take that back. I do know two. I don't associate with, or hang out with them. In fact, one I supremely dislike. But out of the HUNDREDS of white people I know. I have only known two who hold any animus towards African-Americans.

At any rate, the article continues to say that "emotions ran from disbelief to euphoria among African-Americans on election night." One reporter, a man named David White who grew up during the civil rights movement said, "this is the most wonderful night of my life." Then said later, "I've seen this country vindicate itself."

Um......I get it...if I was black...I get the history of this country, I get that it would be great to have a black man as the president.

Am I the only one who sees that race is not an issue to vote on? Am I the only one who can see that a man's beliefs, his policies, his politics, and his record, matter more than his race, if he wants to be the president?

I mean, I am glad that we now live in a country where we can say to every child regardless of race...that they can be anything they want to be....even president. I am thrilled about that. But I mean.....we've elected a SOCIALIST as our president!




I get it.....but I don't get it.

Rich <><


Sarah said...

I volunteer with a group that passes out lunches and leads a bible study in a low-economic african-american neighborhood here, and the reason they are so excited that a black man is going to be president is that they remember segregation and not being able to drink at the same water fountains and being shipped to different schools. It happened in their lifetimes. MLK was assassinated only 40 years ago. That is recent history! The fact that we have come this far in such a short amount of time is remarkable, regardless of how you feel about race. I think there is a big gap in the thinking of our generation and or grandparents generation on this, and the fact that it happened while their generation is still alive is big.

While we definitely disagree on the socialist thing, I thought you might find this interesting:

And that is from a leading conservative paper! (Disclaimer- you know my views and can safely assume that I am not heralding this article, just thought I'd throw in a different perspective.) Also, I find all of the conservatives who are saying that we are so doomed that they are moving to Canada HYSTERICAL- because guess what- they are much more "socialist" than we are. National health care! Oh the horror!


Rich said...

Yeah, Sarah....I know.

So you believe that he is not a socialist? Or you don't believe Socialism=communism=marxism?

And yes, I know your beliefs....I know we differ politically....

And you know I love you though we dissagree. But you are right. Anyone who would say they are moving to CANADA because of Obama is an idiot.

I do believe he is a socialist, though I do also believe that the people of this country are the reason we will never be a socialist nation. I have faith in the AMERICAN people.

And...that's why I said...I get it...but I don't get it. I get the racial thing.

I get that it's a big deal to African-Americans that a black man has been elected. I'm just not surprised.

I am glad that we have finally elected a black candidate to be president in ONE regard: Maybe now we can put all this, "Most white people are racist" thing behind us.

Rich <><

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