Sunday, November 23, 2008

kind of severely sprained (jammed) two of my fingers......kind of hard to type....but have been making voice records of what I want to say. Will update in a few days.

Sorry for the delay.

Have a wonderful day,
Rich <><

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prop 8

Friends, it is with a heavy heart that I write this today. I am truly saddened by our country. I am saddened and outraged at the same time. I am sure the tone of this post will take a much harsher tone as I am more angered than I am saddened.

This whole deal with prop 8 is ridiculous. The fact that in CALIFORNIA most people voted the way they did is shocking. We all know how LIBERAL California is. Look at the margin of victory for Obama in California. The fact is, MOST people in the country don’t like the idea of homosexual marriage, but the issue for me is not that I don’t approve of homosexual marriage.
I simply believe that the people living in a state have the right to decide whether or not that state will support homosexual marriage or not. Florida or California should not be forced by the Federal government to recognize homosexual marriage if the people of that state by in large do not support it.

But there is a bigger problem and it is one that grates on my LAST NERVE. We are made to believe by the Gay and Lesbian world…that if we don’t agree with them, that somehow we are being “intolerant.” This word has taken on an entirely new meaning than what it would indicate. “Tolerance” does not mean you “tolerate” a view or a particular lifestyle anymore. What is now meant by “tolerance” is that you MUST not only “tolerate” but “accept as a perfectly valid” whatever it is that is in question. If you say, “I tolerate your view or lifestyle, but I still believe you are wrong.” That isn’t tolerant. You must say “I believe that there is nothing wrong with your viewpoint, and I hold that your view is as equally valid as my own view, in my opinion.”
This is not tolerance. And I also find it highly ironic and maddening that those who go around spouting “tolerance” are the most narrow-minded, pin-headed, intolerant people I’ve ever met. They absolutely will not be satisfied, will not give up, will not let up until you believe that they are right. There is no room for anything BUT their viewpoint, and if you challenge their viewpoint at all, you are intolerant.

The irony is breathtaking.

Similarly, not only am I intolerant if I disagree, I am hateful. Here is the brilliant logic: If you don’t agree with A, you hate A. You actively HATE A. So then, the only way not to HATE is to agree with A.

Ridiculous….patently absurd.

Has anyone noticed that for all the hatred that we are accused of, it is the homosexuals, the bastions of piety and love, that are the most vitriolic, hate filled people around?
I mean get this, many self identified homosexuals on a number of homosexual blogs are advocating violence against Christians and even church burnings because of prop 8.

Comments from a blog entry titled “You’ll Want to Punch them”……., poster “BillyBob Thornton” wrote, “… I have never considered being a violent radical extremist for our Equal Rights, But now I think maybe I should consider becoming one.” “Stenar” asked, “Can someone in CA please go burn down the Mormon temples there, PLEASE. I mean seriously. DO IT.” “Angelo Ventura,” said, “… hope they all rot in hell, those servants of a lying, corrupt devil!......


“Jonathan,” warned, “I’m going to give them something to be f – ing scared of. … I’m a radical who is now on a mission to make them all pay for what they’ve done.”
Ah….but really, we’re the ones filled with hate., “World O Jeff,” said, “Burn their f–ing churches to the ground, and then tax the charred timbers.” While, “Tread,” wrote, “I hope the No on 8 people have a long list and long knives.” “Joe,” stated, “I swear, I’d murder people with my bare hands this morning.” Web site, “scottinsf” posted, “Trust me. I’ve got a big list of names of Mormons and catholics that were big supporters of Prop 8. … As far as Mormons and catholics … I warn them to watch their backs.”

NO…..really….we’re just abused and victimized homosexuals, we don’t hate people, why do you hate us? I mean, we HATE violence. We’re never violent to people. NO really….

Also, did you see where one man in Modesto was beaten as he was handing out 'Yes on 8' signs, and had stitches in his eye.

Aw…..that’s great! At least he didn’t experience a HATE CRIME AGAINST HIM or anything.
Other reports have come in of protesters calling for violence and murder against the people who voted no on 8. Protesters ripped a cross out of an old lady's hand, stomped on it and shouted her down as a reporter attempted to interview her. They've stolen and vandalized private property. They have disrupted church services with yelling profanities, blasphemies and throwing condoms and glitter in the air. They’ve also burned a holy text on the doorstep of a church. And since blacks voted to protect marriage by a 70-30% margin, they've resorted to calling black people "ni*****" and such.

Homosexuals claim this all because they say they are fighting for civil rights and they also have actually said in print that to deny them marriage is the same as being a racist when the civil rights movement went on.

Right….Because you know, we’ve denied the rights of gay people to vote, denied them citizenship, denied them the rights to own property, to send their kids to public schools, denied them housing, and denied access to public places….


Silly homosexuals.

Rich <><

Monday, November 17, 2008


The FCC is directed by five Commissioners appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate for 5-year terms, except when filling an unexpired term. The President designates one of the Commissioners to serve as Chairperson. Only three Commissioners may be members of the same political party.

So there are not two democrats and two republicans on the "board" by default, it is simply stipulated that of the five, no more than three can be of the same party. So the chairman could be of one party and could be one of only two dems, or rep's. So it is not necessarily true that the chairman is always the tie breaker.....and it is not necessarily true that the congress doesn't have to vote at all....just that the HOUSE has to confirm whoever the president nominates.....and he nominates them all, but in the CURRENT CASE, all he would have to do is nominate the CHAIRMAN, because there are two democrats and two republicans that make up the commisioners now.

Sheez, ease up on the emails......frig....what I said, I said off the cuff, and it wasn't that much different, and doesn't change the fact that the outcome is still the same. With a stroke of the pen, Obama can issue in the Fairness Doctrine.

Rich <><

Fairness Doctrine

Yeah....can't wait for this one either.

So, the Fairness Doctrine was in play in the 70's. Reagan overturned it, but it didn't get eliminated, just ceased to be enforced. Here is how the fairness doctrine works. The Fairness Doctrine was put into play to make sure that contrasting sides of arguments were put on the air. The problem with it is, that by in large, radio stations could not sell advertising for liberal talk there wasn't much of talk radio at all. So when Reagan lifted it....believing that the Radio Audience could choose for themselves what they wanted to listen to and that Radio stations could carry who ever they wanted to......Conservative talk radio....Rush, Shawn, etc....began to boom.

Radio stations began carrying Rush etc...because they could sell advertising on the shows' for great profit because tons of listeners tuned in each day to the programs. Radio works like it always has, and if you don't have enough listeners to be able to take to advertisers, you no longer have a show. Well as you know, ads on Rush's show go for quite the high dollar as do all other conservative talk show hosts.

Well, this upsets liberals because they think that we are all brainwashed people who talk radio is swaying. Well here is the problem.

Liberals and OBAMA want to put the fairness doctrine back into play. If this was because they wanted to or could guarantee that conservative talk radio still remain on the air, well that would be fine.

The Fairness Doctrine would stipulate that for every hour of conservative radio you have on the air, you have to have an hour of liberal talk radio. For every hour of Rush, you have to have an hour of some yahoo like Al Frankin or Alan Combs. The problem is....that no one listens to or wants to listen to Al Frankin. Do you remember the whole deal with Air-America. The Liberal talk radio network? What happened. It went BANKRUPT because they couldn't sell advertising to anyone because NO ONE WANTED TO LISTEN TO IT.

Well radio stations are not stupid. If they LOSE MONEY due to lack advertising over cost of production, and you only make enough money to cover that cost by selling advertising on another will cut both programs and put something on that yields a small revenue because at least then you get some kind of capital out of it.

So the Libs want to put the fairness doctrine back in play because it will get rid of Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Glenn Beck, and the like.

There are two democrats and two republicans on the board of the FCC by default, and the President appoints the chairman of the board in addition to those two. So with the stroke of a pen, Obama could CENSOR the air waves. CENSORSHIP in America.......Socialism....

What a great dream....

Rich <><

Obama's likely early actions...Thoughts

Ah...sorry for the hiatus friends. Good friends, Republicans, and Conservatives - I've been feeling under the weather for a I took a couple of days rest.

Today's thoughts....Obama may get at it early. Just so you will know the things that Bush accomplished, that he wants to reverse...that he won't need congress to vote on: Embryonic Stem Cell Research, the Mexico City Policy, and Drilling in Utah. really.....those are all good ideas. So...he would have us basically create embryo's....then use them for stem cell research when there is ample evidence that the same advances could be made using adult stem cells...for those of us that believe Life begins at conception, this is not a happy time. Ending a human life....even an embryo is an abortion. It is murder. Can't wait for this one.

In addition, he wants to overturn the Mexico City Policy. This was first put in place by Reagan, but was overturned by Clinton and then put back in place by Bush. This states that no federal monies can go to fund organizations that perform or advise for abortions. So overturning this would mean that my tax dollars would go to fund abortions.....this would mean that I am partially paying for abortions or to counsel women to have them.

He also wants to cease or overturn the restrictions that Bush lifted regarding drilling in Utah. So....yeah......he wants to stop drilling. I don't want to stop drilling anywhere. Stopping drilling anywhere is stupid. We should seek alternative means for fuel....YES, but until we have it, we should get all the oil we can.

He wants to close Guantanamo Bay......that is a GREAT idea....hey....I know....let's just open our borders.....and let them all come here.....I mean....or....let's just release them back to wherever they came from. They won't try to attack us again.....really.


Rich <><

Friday, November 14, 2008


Wal-Mart is out know....being evil and making money. If Wal-Mart teaches us anything it teaches us that Capitalism is the answer for everything....period. Wal-Mart's profits are up 10% despite the failing economy. Why? Because Wal-Mart offers everything at an incredible price, and no one else can compete with them.

When you can offer someone someting at a price that no-one can beat, people will buy your products.

I find it ridiculous that there is even talk about trying to stifle Wal-Mart. I mean, they do things like get you prescriptions for 10 dollars for three months....THREE MONTHS.....they set up clinics in their stores to give free flu shots, etc.....they do more to help out low to medium income families than just about anyone else... really.....they are evil.....they are the reason for the crappy economy....because they squash other businesses....blah blah....

ridiculous silly liberals.

Rich <><

What!?!? IIt's just an embryo, not a person!!!!

Is it me or does it seem like Obama actually likes abortion? I mean, when you consider all what he wants to do and quickly after taking office, does it or does it not seem like he is actually trying to increase the abortion agenda.

In article (linked below) it outlines what Obama wants to do....and quickly. In August of 2001, Bush barred the national institutes of health from funding research on embryonic stem sell research using other than the 60 lines existing when he signed the order. The reason for this is because it has not been proven that this research can't be done from adult stem cells, and secondly and probably most important, becasue without this order, scientists would be creating embryo's, terminating them very early on to use for research.

He also wants to overturn the "Mexico City" Policy. This was put into place first by Reagan to keep tax dollars from going to organizations that perform abortions. So...that means that some of your tax money, some of my tax money would go to help to pay for abortions. And ther eis nothing we can do about it.

He also wants to overturn the Bush administration policy of banning funding to organizations such as the U.N. Population Fund that operate in countries that practice forced sterilization.

yeah.....that's great. I just become more and more confident every day in our new president elect. I am so much more proud of him everytime I read anything about him.....he is going to be awesome............

He also wants to put back into place the restrictions that Bush lifted on oil drilling.....such a wonderful idea.........and he also wants to close Guantanamo Bay. I mean..........I don't know what to say but.....

Silly Liberal.

Rich <><

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama "A Dream Come True"

Wow...I know I am going to catch some flack for this, but let me begin by saying....I AM NOT RACIST. I DON'T give a flying crap about race. I want more than anything on earth for race to become a dead issue. I don't see black people, I don't see white people. I see people. I want EVERYONE to see PEOPLE.... I hate racism. I hate White Racism. I hate Black Racism. I hate any kind of RACISM.

That being said, there was an interesting article on CNN's Website that I must comment on. I am interested in feedback on this. The article (linked below) claims that the election of Obama was a "Dream come true for most African Americans that they didn't think would see in their lifetime." This brings to mind my first question: Why did most African-Americans not think they would see this in their lifetime?

Shortly after I asked myself this question I read the answer. Eighty percent of African-Americans questioned said that "Obama's election was a dream come true," and 71 percent said "they never thought a black candidate for president would get elected in their lifetime."


So 71 percent of African Americans thought that this country was so racist, that we would not elect a black candidate? Do you realize what that statement says? Let's dissect it. You can't think that a black candidate for president would never get elected and not be basing your belief on the fact that the candidate is black. That is fundamental to the statement itself. So if you say that, you are by definition saying that you think that the USA would not elect a black president because it is so racist that no black man would have a chance.

Among white Americans, only 28 percent said that Obama's election was a "Dream come true." while 70 percent did not have this opinion. This suggests that by in large, African-Americans thought that white Americans who make up 76% of the population were to Racist to ever elect a Black president while only few whites felt that way.

From the Article, "A majority of blacks now believe that a solution to the country's racial problems will eventually be found. In every previous poll on this topic dating back to 1993, black respondents had always said that racial problems were a permanent part of the American landscape."

But that's changed since Obama got elected.

The article also says that "most blacks view Obama's election as the start of a new era of better race relations in the United States, while most whites appear to disagree."

That is because I believe the number of whites who are racist is FAR lower than what most of the African-Americans I know, believe is the case. I say that because...I KNOW A LOT OF WHITE PEOPLE. I don't personally know one who is racist. Well....I take that back. I do know two. I don't associate with, or hang out with them. In fact, one I supremely dislike. But out of the HUNDREDS of white people I know. I have only known two who hold any animus towards African-Americans.

At any rate, the article continues to say that "emotions ran from disbelief to euphoria among African-Americans on election night." One reporter, a man named David White who grew up during the civil rights movement said, "this is the most wonderful night of my life." Then said later, "I've seen this country vindicate itself."

Um......I get it...if I was black...I get the history of this country, I get that it would be great to have a black man as the president.

Am I the only one who sees that race is not an issue to vote on? Am I the only one who can see that a man's beliefs, his policies, his politics, and his record, matter more than his race, if he wants to be the president?

I mean, I am glad that we now live in a country where we can say to every child regardless of race...that they can be anything they want to be....even president. I am thrilled about that. But I mean.....we've elected a SOCIALIST as our president!




I get it.....but I don't get it.

Rich <><


You have GOT to be kidding me. "Experience the power of change?" In case you are wondering, that is MSNBC's NEW SLOGAN. This country is becomming more ridiculous every day. MSNBC is saying it is purely coincidental.....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....yeah right. They just happen to support Obama all campaign, and then they just HAPPEN to use this as their new is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo disgusting.

Speaking of MSNBC......did you see???? They had to RETRACT one of their Palin stories. The one where Palin apparently didn't know that Africa was a continent and not a country....yeah, they retracted that publicly.

Here is the scenario: One of McCain's Policy Advisors a man by the name of Martin Eisenstadt, comes forth and identifies himself as one of the Senior members of the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy. He apparently has juicy dirt on Palin. His claims are delivered to one of the producers at MSNBC, and then given to Dan Shuster, one of MSNBC's anchor's. The story ensues, and as you all well know, I am sure you heard that Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent, but thought it was a country.

Problem: Neither Eisenstadt or the institute exist. They are both bogus inventions in the mind of film maker Eitan Gorlin.

Ah.....but....really. If MSNBC will just air something without fully checking it out, how do we know they check anything out....further, COME ON. You know and I know that if anyone at Fox News aired something about Obama that turned out to be factually untrue and came from a bogus, fictional, non existant source....liberals would be screaming for someone to go and tear the heart out....preferably on camera....of the person who reported it, and would demand that Fox News be taken off the air. Think there wouldn't be protests??? either.. mean it isn't true? You mean....she actually does know that Africa is a continent? Aww man???...Well we still have that thing that she like....wants to not have evolution taught in schools and wants theories taught in there instead....oh....wait. You mean that isn't what she said we ever catch a break?

Hey, didn't CNN something....I don't know....about Palin in a mean....that was a bb gun....and....that wasn't was photoshoped? What's photoshopped? Dang....I mean....but....I thought that....awww man....I thought I had another rock solid fact aginst Palin like....her father impregnating her know...his grandaughter....and Palin faking like she had the she wouldn't be embarassed with teenager who was know that's why the baby has downs syndrome right? Because it's really not her baby but her father and daughter's she is like both the grandmother and sister of the baby....yeah...

silly liberals

Rich <><

I am an anti-American, Un-patriotic, Racist.

Friends, Republicans, Conservatives: Yep, you heard it right, I am an Un-American, Un-Patriotic, Racist. Well, at least that is what one of my co-workers told me today....and oh, about 20 or so people agreed with him. Why? Because not only did I let it be known that I did not vote for Obama, I also voiced opposition to some of his policies! That's right..... I didn't call him any names, or impugn his character, I simply said that I DISAGREED WITH HIM.

So....I've got news for you my friend (and I so desperately hope you read this)....BACK OFF, you hypocritical, insidious, mean-spirited, CHANGELING!

I find it highly ironic that you accuse me of being anti-American or un-patriotic for DISAGREEING with Obama when you have done nothing but LAMBASTE President Bush these last several years.

Let me set a few things straight....I have heard you liken Bush to Hitler. That's right....I have heard the words come out of your mouth that Bush doesn't care about "black people," a phrase you borrowed from the intellectual giant that is Ludacris. I have further heard you say that Bush has us in the war on terror only because of his father, that he is a moron, an idiot, and other things too vulgar to repeat here.

I never once said you were un-patriotic or un-American....I believe you abuse your freedom that so many died for when you say things like that, but you have a right to as an AMERICAN. I have never once said anything personally negative about Obama. I simply disagree with him. I have a right to disagree with him. If you think that I can't disagree with him without being un-American, then you are an idiot.

I am sorry if it offends you that I don't bow down at the throne of Obama. I am sorry if it offends you that I don't think that Obama is the Savior of the Universe! You know what? In a few short years....YOU WON'T BELIVE THAT EITHER.

And finally, There really is nothing on earth that I care about less than the color of Obama's skin. If he was red, orange, yellow, green or WHITE, I would still think his ideas are CRAP! His IDEAS, not his skin color. The color of his skin is not an issue for ME.

ah.....a few more posts, but I had to get this out of the way.

Rich <><

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Friends, Republicans, Conservatives:
Okay, so here is the deal with Newsweek...........
Among other ridiculous incindiary allegations, Newsweek is reporting that Sarah Palin absolutely refused to take the stage with anyone who is pro-choice or against ANWR drilling. I mean, she is so bitter, so calous, so filled with hate, that she would not even share the stage with someone who holds one of those beliefs. Apparantly, the ever-correct, always accurate Newsweek is reportig that "Palin refused to go on stage with New Hampshire Senator John Sununu and Senate Hopeful Jeff Bradley."
They treat this as if it is a policy of hers, that she won't appear or is unwilling to appear with anyone who is either pro-choice or against drilling in Alaska. Really??? REALLY???? I mean, I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble, but McCain voted against ANWR drilling. But....NO....she won't share a stage with anyone who is against drilling in Alaska. WHAT...EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I shouldn't be so mean. Maybe I shouldn't be so obsessed with...I don't know.....FACTS. I mean, it shouldn't matter that Bradley WAS NOT running for the senate at the time.....yeah......mmmm hmmmm.....yeah, I mean, Sununu is pro-choice..... I mean, never mind that he has a 100% pro-life voting record...never mind that he's never been anything but pro-life....but really, he is a pro-choice senator who is just too radical to share the stage with Palin.
But no.....she won't appear with either.....even though she DID.....Newsweek JACKASSES.
But that shouldn't matter right? I mean, what are facts anyway other than LIES that we can use to make people believe us...... The fact that she appeared with LIBERMAN and ROTHSCHILD (both pro-choice) shouldn't matter.....because really she is just so bitter that she won't share the stage with them. I mean, it shouldn't matter because all we're really trying to do is show that she is a moron. A literally mentally handicapped person who is an intellectual midget; a cerebreally stunted Forrest Gump type idiot who is totally unfit to be president or Vice-president.
Look, let's be realistic for a minute.Why does the media hate Palin???? Think about it. They hate her becasue she is effective, and dangerous to them. They hate her because they have no control over her...nobody does. She won't bow to political pressure, and she doesn't care what THEY think of her. Secondly, the Media is angry because she didn't go through them. They didn't know about her before she was chosen, she didn't go through the SYSTEM. Palin is not a System person. I've said that from day one.
The Media on the left doesn't like her because she connects with the American people. She can talk directly to people, and they respond to her. She doesn't NEED the media for her success. She is a power completely to her own. This is sadly the same resason that a large part of the Republican party is upset by her. The Republican party wants someone in the center. They want someone moderate. The Repbulican party has lost its way. the leaders in the Republican party want to move the party to the middle.
Let me give you a clue as to why that is not the answer. THE SIMPLE FACT THAT NEWSWEEK AND OTHER MEDIA AND THE LEFT THINK THAT WE SHOULD MOVE TO THE CENTER is the precise reson we shouldn't!!!!!!!
The media and the left want a CENTRIST Republican party because they know that when we give them that, they win. They win witha moderate Republican party. We need a conservative Anti-biotic to kill the bacteria of the CENTER of the Republican party. We need a far-right conservative to squash and eliminate the mushy middle....because the RIGHT of Center is how we win.
Rich <><

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The reason behind the RANT

I'll explain tomorrow......sorry for the somewhat incoherent rant about Newsweek and Palin....I'll explain tomorrow.....I am just sick of living in a country full of people who will read something like Newsweek, and accept their stories without ever one simple thought as to whether or not the evidence laid out is....I don't know.....TRUE OR NOT. throat hurts....I'm going to bed.....but I'll parse what Newsweek said, and their INTENTIONAL misrepresentation of facts tomorrow

Good night my friends......
More tomorrow.........

Rich <><

Wha...I's's jus....uh...

Friends, Republicans, Conservatives: that's it. I am officially insane now. As the title of this blog suggests today.....I can't.....I don't.....I honestly.....don't know what to say. How do you....I mean, how can a logically thinking, sane person make sense of the left? I feel insane because as hard as I try to understand any of their arguments......anything they do....I just can't.

AN OBAMA NATIONAL HOLIDAY?????????? Seriously. The Topeka Capital-Journal (kansas) reported that the orginization "YES WE CAN" (uughh....just vomited in my mouth a little) is pushing for a national holidy that would commemorate on our CALANDER AS A NATIONAL HOLIDY Obama's election. Oh, they also want to pair it with the 2ooth celebration of Lincoln's birthday. All I can say is OMG.......speechless.

Now for NEWSWEEK ON PALIN.............

If I ran out of toilet paper, and had the recent issue of Newsweek with me, I would actually not even use the magazine to wipe myself with. I would not sully the dignity or worth of my crap with something as putrid as Newsweek. It is a strange thing for me to hate something so much, but I HATE Newsweek. Any magazine that would treat Palin that way is.....

I mean, it probaby isn't a big deal for Palin though....she probably doesn't have newsweek up there.....I mean, no one can read in Alaska.....they probably don't even have phones.....I hear though that they have those can things with the twine between them....everyone in Alaska has one, they all connect to her can, and whoever wants to talk with her just pulls on the can and it jingles in her igloo.....then she picks up her end and talks with them......unless she is out shooting wolves while she's riding her moose. Oh yess........they've got all the eskimos in Alaska up there hutning...even the retarted people.....they are giving rifle lisences to retarted people up there in Alaska.....can you believe that......Sarah is such a retard, and did you know that she wants to line up and shoot everyone that is pro-choice? Yeah, she wants to kill them all.....That's because she prayed to God and He told her to that we should do wait.....martians......she believes in martians.....aliens......she thinks illegal aliens were actually from another planet....because they are called aliens. I think for one it is great that she lied about her baby, because it was her child's baby who is from incest with her father.....yeah....

Crap......I'm so sick of it.......let's take a magazine like Newsweek, and just make up crap....about someone just because you don't like her policies....

Yeah, I'm done with this today.......I don't feel well and everywhere I turn is idiocy.

May God bless you,
May God bless your family,
and may God bless CORINTH....oops...wait...I mean America!

Rich <><

Monday, November 10, 2008


Friends, Republicans, Conservatives: HOLY CRAP! What a don't even know where to start. As a startling news today....Did you hear the whole deal with Gordon Brown???? WHOAH....Gordon Brown is the British Prime Minister. Apparently at the G20 summit next week in Washington, Prime Minister Brown is going to push for a new global financial system and says that "the U.S and Europe must provide the leadership for the creation for a new international order." WHAT?????? Holy Crap! Analysts say that a Breton Woods II agreement is unlikely to come out of it, but what the frig???? that we even have anyone promoting this is....well...shocking. I have included a few links at the end for review and further reading.
Watch this now - don't want to wait until the end -
then click on the first one "Obama National Anthem" it is hysterical
A new cold war with Russia????? Is there any doubt? Putin has said that he wants to change the political landscape of Russia and change the existing structure so that he could once again as President of Russia...a statement and move made only after Obama won the election. Hmmm... surprise anyone? Not fact on the very day that Obama won the election, current president, Dmitry Medvedev, announced the deployment of short-range missiles to Russian outpost, Kaliningrad, in Europe. Yevgeny Volk, head of the Moscow office of the US Heritage Foundation, said that this move was meant "to test Obama -- whether he really is a strong and efficient leader." HMMMMMM........................ No....really....OBAMA IS GREAT!!!
. comes the economy crashing down around us......Obama in his address to the nation on Saturday said "we can’t afford to wait on moving forward on the key priorities that I identified during the campaign, including clean energy, healthcare, education and tax relief for middle-class families...We also need a rescue plan for the middle class that invests in immediate efforts to create jobs and provides relief to families watching their paychecks shrink and their life savings disappear.” Is it only me....or does anyone else notice the profound idiocy of saying that a rescue plan for the middle class does anything to invest in immediate efforts to create jobs. And hey...taking over the 401-K structure.....the government taking that over.....good way to guarantee that the life savings DO DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!!
Economists have estimated the US budget deficit could more than double next year to almost $1,000,000,000,000 (that's a TRILLION DOLLARS), raising concerns about whether Obama could deliver on expensive campaign promises including $150,000,000,000 (BILLION) in investments in alternative energy over the next decade and a $60,000,000,000-$110,000,000,000 plan to provide universal health insurance for Americans." YAHOO........... We need higher minimum wage..........never mind that if you raise the minimum wage, everyone else will want more money too, because if you get a three dollar an hour increase as a minimum wage earner, why shouldn't non minimum wage earners get more money too? Oh wait....I forgot, people are basically won't want more money, they will be happy that someone not as qualified as them can make close to what they do....they won't be disgruntled at all, and those bosses...those CEO's....they'll just pay it out....they won't fire anyone, because they would rather everyone have more equality than keep the same profit. What the friggin crap is this country thinking??????????????????????
Let me set the stage........then I have to quit for today....I am so frustrated today with the idiocy of the left that I need (as Glenn Beck would say) some duct tape to wrap around my head just to keep it from exploding! Here is the stage.....You raise taxes on businesses....thinking that the increase in the money they have to pay is going to come out of profits. NO IT ISN'T. They are rich because they are good at making money. They will find a way to keep the same profit...namely by cutting back on jobs....but then to add to this, you raise minimum wage....forcing an already squeezed business to pay the workers more....thinking....they will eat it out of their profits......WRONG AGAIN.....they simply will fire more people to keep the NET income, not the Gross income the same. So they either decrease production, or the price of the products goes up...OR BOTH....either way....bad for the consumer and the have people without jobs, or find it hard to get jobs. Factor into this the fact that the Obamassiah is going to let all the tax cuts expire.....which means that many who aren't paying income tax now....will be and everyone who DOES pay income tax, will pay more, and what happens.....If I have to pay more taxes, I have to cut back on my spending just to pay my bills, which NOW COST MORE BECAUSE THE COMPANIES PROVIDING MY SERVICE HAVE BUILT THE TAX THAT THEY HAVE TO PAY INTO WHAT I PURCHASE. NOT ONLY DO I HAVE LESS NOW, I have to pay more for what I did have. The result....I cut back on everything and don't spend anything I don't have to....and the downward cycle continues until we get someone in office that has the common sense to realize that socialism doesn't work, high taxes don't work.....PERIOD.
I swear, I am about to give up on this country. Have we seriously become a nation full of idiots?
Does history not teach us anything???? RONALD REAGAN inherited a crappy economy thanks to CARTER......and what did he do.....he cut taxes drastically on not only businesses, but the upper 2% drastically, as well as significantly for everyone else, and what happened????? he DOUBLED THE REVENUE GENERATED FROM TAXES.
I may and may not post tomorrow, I am too irritated right now to know.
Below are some links for further reading.
Prime Minister to call for New World Order -,2933,449264,00.html
G20 Summit -
Bretton Woods Agreement -
Putin-Missile's to Kaliningrad -
Obama - economics -

May God bless you,
May God bless your family,
and May God bless America! (despite our leadership)

Rich <><

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Not feeling well.

Not feeling well today, am going back to sleep, will post tomorrow.

Rich <><

Saturday, November 8, 2008

McCain Camp's Attacks on Palin

Friends, Republicans, Conservatives, lend me your ears: There is a travesty going on in the Republican Party. Oh yes...a travesty. Some of you may know, and some of you may not, but what's going on with the McCain camp and Palin right now is utterly ridiculous.

There are staffers from the McCain camp that are trying to destroy Sarah Palin with smear tactics and phony allegations from every angle. Basically what has happened is that a lot of these guys were on the campaigns of other candidates during the Republican Primary election, and after their guy lost, they started working for McCain.

As many of you are aware, Sarah Palin is the best thing that has happened to the Republican Party in quite some time. She excited the base, the solid core of conservatives. With her overwhealming popularity, these staffers got scared. They know that she will likely be the front runner (if she decides to run) in 2012. Since they each have different candidates that they would like to back during 2012, they are trying to destroy her reputation and career so that their prefferred candidate will have a shot at the white house.

Basically they are a bunch of weak kneed jerks who can't take the credit for their own failure at getting McCain elected. The way these people, and the McCain camp handled Palin is all wrong. They didn't want her talking about Ayers, and she wasn't having any of it. Look, Sarah Palin is not a cronie. She is not a system person, she will not put up with crap from anyone. She will do what she thinks is right, regardless of who agrees or not. This is one of the main reasons she is so awesome.
By the way, I believe it is Nicole Wallace who is one of the main culprits here. She is the person on the McCain camp that handled Sarah Palin. She told her not to talk aobut certain things etc, and now she is out there smearing her. It is pathetic and as far as I am concerned she should never get a job with Republicans again as long as she lives. SHAME ON YOU NICOLE WALLACE!! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has also been suggested though not entirely confirmed (there is some evidence but none substantiated yet) that the manager of the McCain camp Steve Schmidt is also a part of this bitter and petty infantile behavior.

This all goes back to Republican reform. The Republican Party has morphed over the last several years to want some kind of mushy, middle of the road neo-conservative to lead the party. It is this kind of thinking that got us McCain as our candidate. If there is one thing that Obama teaches us as Republicans, I hope and pray that it is to abandon this ridiculous notion that placating the Middle is the way to win. We don't need a moderate Republican, we need a staunch CONSERVATIVE. Liberalism is beaten with CONSERVATIVISM, not moderate-conservative horse crap.
I'll tell you what. I hope Palin runs for President in 2012. I'd vote for her. In fact, she is the only reason I was comfortable voting for McCain. I've always viewed McCain as a liberal wearing a conservative suit. I know others disagree, but his stances on global warming and our borders is weak man.....weak. I know, on others he is DEFENSE and Abortion. I don't want to have to compromise again. I want a Reagan. I want a Palin.
I would be happy with Bobby Jindal also. I would love to see a Jindal/Palin, or Palin/Jindal....who long as they are both on the ticket, I'm excited.
Until Tomorrow,
May God bless you,
May God bless your family,
and may God bless America!!!!!!!!!!!
Rich <><

Friday, November 7, 2008


Well y'all, I guess I've done it. I gave in. So many of you have asked me to start a blog so that you can share the things we've discussed with others and among other things learn how to defeat the idiotic arguments that your liberal friends throw in your face. I must tell you the way to defeat the liberal is with facts. As Rush Limbaugh has said for years, "Liberals cannot compete in the arena of ideas." He is right. Liberals are defeated with facts, solid arguments, political education, sound logic, and rational thought. With this introduction out of the way, let me get to the first actual blog entry. So without any further adieu, on the first day of "THE COUNTDOWN TO 2012" let me begin by saying:

Friends, Republicans, CONSERVATIVES, Lend me your ears: there are only 1459 days until the next presidential election. If you are a liberal, you must be excited, because there are only 74 more days until the Lord Barack, the most merciful and mighty Obamassiah descends upon our nations capital to heal our land, solve all our problems, fix the economy, heal all the bitter ones who cling to religion and their guns, end the rule of the "white man's greed that runs a world in need," to single handedly fix social security, and to return the united states to a position of respect throughout the world.

Think I've overdone it? I don't! Have you talked to anyone who supported him yet? Have you watched the news? Have you seen how people think of him? Do they not treat him as some kind of messiah-superhero?
Well, many of you (I am sure) are upset by the recent election. Judging by the many of you whom I have talked with, many of you are deeply worried and/or concerned right now. If I may, let me encourage you NOT to be. I am not worried. Well, at least long term I’m not worried. This might sound strange to many of you, but not to the few I've talked with and had a chance already to explain this to.

I am somewhat encouraged, and if you told me on Monday or on Tuesday night that I would feel the way that I do right now, I would have probably pretty harshly disagreed with you. There is no way I could have foreseen how I would feel now. Let me begin by saying this: Please don't hear me wrong. I am not saying that if I could go back in time, back into the voting booth, that I would have voted differently. I wouldn't. But I now realize that on Tuesday when I voted, I really had a win/win situation, but I didn't see it. Though with Obama, I will have to suffer quite possibly some extreme hardships, and though some devastating things may very well come to pass in the next four years, I am still jazzed about what he will end up doing for the Republican party.

Many of you (my conservative friends) are not in situations where 99-100% of the people around you are liberals. Many of you are in situations where most of the people you interact with are conservatives. This is not the case with me. I sat in a room today with 75 other people, and I am the only one who did not vote for Obama. I work in a building with over 1,000 people, and I would bet that less than 1% here did not vote for Obama. Not only is this true, they are all elated about his election. They all view him as some kind of mythical savior of the world. Listening to the way they talked, as the day unfolded, I became aware of something that I had not considered before. Obama winning the election might actually be the best thing for us as conservatives in the long run, and definitely may have been what is best for America over the next 12 years. Let me explain:

Obama may have just kept us from something far worse...Hillary in 2012!!! As unpopular as Bush has been, if McCain had gotten elected, he would have been seen as a continuation of Bush, and would probably not had much of any chance of defeating Hillary in 2012. Factor in also that no political party has held on to the presidency for more than 12 years since the U.S. placed a two term limit on the office of president, and you realize that if McCain had won, we would probably be looking at a good 8 years of Hillary from 2012-2020.
I also came to the conclusion today that there is no conceivable way for Obama to live up to the expectations that these Americans have for him. It simply is not possible. Not with what he wants to do. These people largely elected him based on a bumper sticker slogan, not knowing what he is really all about. Sure, there are other reasons, but I'll leave them unsaid with the exception that not many voted for him for any substantive reason, because FEW have any idea what substance is there.

I have many friends who believe Obama will rule or govern from the center, or that we will have a centrist Obama. HA HA HA HA....nope....did you see who he appointed as his chief of staff???? RAHM EMMANUEL! Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most bitter partisan congressmen in Washington. Just look at his record. He has no desire to reach across the isle to anyone. He does not want to include any Republicans in anything, and is swift in his punishment of any liberal who crosses him. Rahm Emmanuel is a gigantic clue into how he wants to govern. Remember, no one in Obama’s cabinet will be able to get into see him without the chief of staff's approval. NO ONE. The fact of the matter is that even Obama himself has said that "the time for moderate democrats is over" and that he wants to "radically change the political landscape of America." I believe him. I do.

He is not going to be able to do the things he said he is going to do. He can't provide a tax cut to 95% of all Americans, because over 30% don't pay income tax now, and in addition, if you look at the financial breakdown, he will not gain enough money from those who make over 250,000 to be able to pay for his new spending. The only way to do this is to raise taxes on everyone.

Even Wall Street knows it. Look at what happened with the stock market. We have had the biggest 3 day post election sell off of stocks in the history of our country. That my friends is a pretty strong statement. If you don’t know how the markets work, they are always trying to project about 6-9 months ahead. Most all of the decisions that are made, are made with this projection in mind. But….wait….no….this isn’t about Obama…..NOOOO I am sure that somehow this is actually the fault of the evil conservatives who just want to further divide Americans.

Long story short, this is why my sane, wonderful, conservative friends, this is why we should have hope. Barack Obama is going to be the most leftist president we’ve ever had. He is not going to be able to do many of the things he promised, he will not be able to live up to the expectations of his supporters, he will have to do things that are unpopular, and he will govern from the far left.

The Republican Party needs revitalization, revolution, and reform in a major way. The base of the Republican Party is the conservative. It always has been. You don't ever go to war with liberals without your base as the first priority. This is exactaly what we did. What We needed was to have a strong conservative like Reagan, to take our base to war, then try to pick up enough moderates and independants to win. What we go to war with a candidate that for some reason we thought would bring the moderates and the independants along with him, and then tried to shore up the conservative base with Palin. What a STUPID, STUPID, STUPID strategy.
Have hope though, I am telling you now....there is nothing any of us can do to reform the Republican party, that will ever come close to what Obama is going to do simply by being the President. Obama will strengthen the resolve of the conservative base to guarantee that we don't have some wishy-washy moderate republican ever run on the OUR ticket again.

This next four years is going to be fun (in a sad kind of way). I'm telling you....Jimmy Carter 2 but worse, is going to be our President in January.

Let me give you an analogy of what is going to happen to this country. When a building has an earthquake, and the foundation of that building gets cracked or damaged, crews come in and reinforce the buildings foundation, and strengthen it, making it much stronger and safer than it was before. It is stronger and more sturdy after the earthquake than it was before. This is exactly what is going to happen with our country. Obama will crack the foundation just enough for the conservatives in this country to demand another Reagan.

Honestly, the disillusionment that people will feel, the shock that Barack is not the mythical figure he made himself out to be, the horror of what he actually is....when that sets in with his will be....well slightly, if not moderately humorous.

Well, much more tomorrow......might talk about Barney Frank tomorrow and how the economic downturn is actually a direct result of House and Congressional Liberals, I might talk about how the low-life, disgusting, vile, putrid, bottom feeders from the McCain camp are trying to destroy Palin, I might parse Obama’s acceptance speech or his press conference today, who knows. All in good time. Gotta run!

Two things you absolutely HAVE GOT TO SEE if you want to laugh your heads off….the first is the “Obama National Anthem” set to a Russian-type national anthem song reminiscent of that part in Rocky IV, You’ve got to se it……….HYSTERICAL. Go to and it is on the right, under, FEATURED VIDEOS….You’ll love it.
Also click on this link….the Onion doesn’t do things all the time that I find hysterical, but I laughed so hard I thought I was going to cry at this… You've got to check this out Here is the link

Until tomorrow,

May God bless you,
May God bless your family,
and May God Bless America!!!!!!
Rich <><

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